Gameshow with Thomas Gottschalk & Günther Jauch
RTL Live-TV broadcasting | Nobeo Studios Cologne
I&U TV Produktion GmbH & Co. KG

Gameshow with Thomas Gottschalk & Günther Jauch
RTL Live-TV broadcasting | Nobeo Studios Cologne
I&U TV Produktion GmbH & Co. KG

Against all Others

In the famous RTL Gameshow “Die 2“ the well known German chat-show hosts Thomas Gottschalk and Günther Jauch are challenging the audience in the studio to a duel. In line with the plan to introduce more challenging game rules we are staging a battle with martial art performers wearing illuminated boxing costumes. The exactly arranged sound and light effects care for a fuelled mood. Then we have the presenter Barbara Schöneberger flown in on a floating platform like a goddess. A sensational opening of the broadcast! For the next broadcast Living Sculptures are opening the Live TV-Show. Mysteriously covered with stretch fabrics performers are rising in amorphous shapes from the haze, dancers eclose from a cocoon and move with floating silk fabrics towards Barbara Schöneberger, only to be hazily seen as a silhouette in the backlight. With whirling fabrics the host of the evening is unveiled. Surprisingly Gottschalk and Jauch hatch out, they too were staged as Living Sculptures.

Our achievements

  • Concept and production of the opening sequences, choreography, artist management, musical arrangement, automation of flying podestry, programming and operating of light fighter costumes